Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Borders Book Signing- Warrington, PA

Come visit me on Friday-December 18th at the Borders Books in Warrington, PA where I will be joining two other picture book authors (Jonathan McSurdy and William Bentrim) for a fun holiday book signing event!


Monday, November 30, 2009

A Cutie in Mommy's High Heel Shoes

Every now and then I come across some cute videos on Youtube. Check out this cutie!

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Santa's Sleigh is Full of Mommy's High Heel Shoes


This morning, as I was packing up a book order for my daughter says, "Mommy, what are you doing with all of those books?"

I replied, "Mailing them so other kids can have one for Christmas?"

She asked, "Are you mailing one to Katelyn?"

I said, "No, Katelyn already has one."

She then asked, "Mom, are you mailing them to Santa?"

I said, "Hmmm...that's a great idea.  I will mail them all to Santa at the North Pole!"

She smiled and said, "And then he can give Mommy's High Heel Shoes to lots of kids in his sleigh!"

So sweet...I just couldn't resist sharing!

Friday, October 30, 2009

(From Philly Moms Blog) Happy Halloween! The Swine Flu is Lurking at Our Pre-school!

Here is my latest Philly Moms Blog Post....

I can't even believe I'm writing about the swine flu again! I wish I were a sports fan so I could intelligently write about the Phillies and the Yankees playing in the World Series.

But In the midst of filling up 16 pumpkin treat bags for my son's class and baking 18 spooky cupcakes for my daughter's Halloween party, my daughter brought me "the note." Yes, it came home with her latest glittery Halloween paper craft- the DREADED "swine flu" letter from the pre-school director.

I guess I knew it was coming. This virus has been spreading all over Bucks County the Philadelphia area. And now there has been 1 confirmed case of H1N1 virus at my kids' pre-school and several other kids are out sick with "flu-like" symptoms. The note says,"the absentee rate is not alarmingly high at this point. We will keep you informed."
Then, the phone rings....

Are you vaccinating your kids for Swine Flu?  Leave a comment and let me know.  
We're still deciding...

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Working Moms: What Did You Do Before Work Today?

Just curious to see what you all did before work today- wake up time for me 6:00 a.m. I somehow changed a poopy diaper, drank my coffee, packed up two book orders, found matching socks and got the kids dressed, nursed the baby, changed another poopy diaper, made breakfast for the big kids, packed lunches for a class trip to the zoo with Daddy, folded a load of laundry, checked my e-mail, french braided my daughter's hair (because I promised her yesterday when I didn't have time) and now getting up this overdo blog post. No wonder I haven't posted anything in so long!

Tell me what time you got up and what you did today. I'm always so curious what other people are up to before leaving for work. Thank goodness I'm having a home office shower necessary...Shhh!! I'm still in my pajamas studying Oncology information for my new job!

Disclosure Statement: My pjs aren't nearly as cute as the Mommy in this picture and our waffles were frozen Eggos!

Art copyright Pat Achilles- not to be used for any reason without written permission.

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Couldn't have said it better- A Working Mom's Courage

It's been at least a month since my last post, but for a good reason.  I had our third baby (a girl) on August 5th!   I'm also about to start a new job in about a month so have been sucking up every last minute doing fun things with two older kids (who both are in pre-school next week) and snuggling this little baby!  Yes, my three year old little guy is about to start his first year of pre-school!  My almost 5 year old daughter starts her last year of pre-school.  It's amazing how quickly the 5 years have just flown right by.  It really does feel like yesterday when I brought her home from the hospital and was pushing her around the block in the stroller.  

Finding the time to write has been particularly challenging.  Usually, I'm up late writing and catching up on e-mails.  But lately, just keeping my eyes open past 9:00 p.m. has been a bit tricky.  

About a week ago on Twitter I stumbled upon this article:  Working Mom's Courage (click here)  Really, I couldn't have written a better article!   I know the few weeks I have left of maternity leave are just going to fly right by.  And it is exactly this "courage" I'm going to need when I go back to work.  Yesterday, I received two enormous boxes of training materials for my new Oncology sales job.  I'm trying to gather up the courage to open them!

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Fessing up to being a mom can backfire on job seekers - The Boston Globe


Due to the recent status of my job, naturally this article was of great interest to me. What do you think? Do you think letting employers know that you're a working mother helps or hurts your opportunities for landing a new job? Do you think that your employer hasn't given you opportunities that they may have otherwise if they didn't give you a "Mommy" label?

I'm not sure how I feel about it all at the moment. On a recent interview (interviewed while on maternity leave at 36 weeks pregnant) there was no hiding that I was at least a mother to be. During a discussion regarding my performance with the company, it came up that one year (out of 6), I did not receive the sales achievement award. I mentioned that I was on an extended maternity leave that particular year (and I'm talking only taking an extra 6 weeks unpaid). I continued that sales numbers qualified me for the achievement award, but I did not receive it because being on unpaid leave disqualified me. I discussed the things I did while out on leave (which were all NOT required) to keep in touch with my customers (i.e. sending out mailers, keeping in touch with my biggest customers and continuing to answer all of my own phone calls) to maintain my great numbers. In my eyes, this demonstrated my strong work ethic & dedication to my position. Who cares if I got the "official" award?

When I mentioned maternity leave, one of the managers asked, "Oh, how many kids do you have?" I answered open and honestly, "Two, this will be my third." And that was pretty much the end of that conversation. Literally, my life is an open book. I don't think I would try to hide the fact that I am a mother on an interview, even if I wasn't interviewing with an enormous belly. But the fact is- I had it all out in the open (literally).

How would you answer the question, "What is your proudest accomplishment?" I wasn't asked this question on this particular interview, but have been asked this in the past. Would you talk about an award you won or promotion you got? Maybe a competitive sport you excelled at? Or would you be honest and say, "My kids!"

My kids are my proudest accomplishment, but would that be the "right" answer? They are the reason I work hard and the reason I continue to be successful. And if a man was asked that question and answered, "My kids!" would he be judged or would that make him an even stronger candidate for the position? I can truly say that because of my children, I get more done, work harder and can balance more. Have you ever heard the phrase: "If you want to get something done, ask the busiest person in the room."?

Tell me what you think! Read this story....
Bookmark and Share

Saturday, August 1, 2009

Role Mommy Event for Budding Authors


On July 29th, I was happy to participate in a Role Mommy University Event. Role Mommy had a conference call for authors about how to write, publish or self-publish, build a platform and sell your book or manuscript.

Author and Self Publisher, Stacey Kannenberg, of Let's Get Ready for Kindergarten who has sold more than 70,000 copies gives some awesome advice on her success! Take a listen to her recent interview with Role Mommy and get to know her!

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Where have I been? What have I been up to?

Image copyright of Pat Achilles

Where have I been? What have I been up to? It's been a while since I have posted anything worthwhile on this blog. It's amazing how life gets so busy and moves so quickly!

For starters, I am almost 39 weeks pregnant so don't exactly sleep very well at night (only on the couch when I try to read or watch TV) AND I have given up the caffeine that gets me moving in the morning for fear of a caffeine addicted baby. The decaf tea, although delicious, is just not doing it for me in the morning. Baby girl is scheduled to be delivered next Wed (August 5th) if she doesn't decide to come on her own sooner. I can't wait for her to be here and for my body to be my own again (if you don't count nursing).

I then got my pink slip from my company a couple weeks ago (they took the product I sell off the market a few months ago) Nothing to do with the economy- just bum luck!
Find out more about that HERE!

I have been given some notice, but have basically been a Stay Home Mom for the past couple of months now and never been busier. I don't know if it's just that I am trying to catch up on all of the things I normally can't do because I am out working like taking the kids to swim lessons, playdates and organizing the sippy cup cabinet and garage. Or if it's just the type- A in me that just can't sit still...always having to be productive. But until I go back to work full time, it's been a great opportunity to spend some amazing time with my kids. It's the maternity leave that may just be extended a little longer than I thought.

And then because I am pretty crazy (although only at half speed when I am pregnant), I decided to officially launch another Blog called RealMommyReviews- which has been quite fun, but a lot of work. Since I'm not sleeping, I may as well be productive! It's been fun receiving all sorts of different products and coming up with interesting content for the site. I am also promoting my book and setting up school visits- See Here for my latest Press.

Some exciting news not posted on my website yet is that my Illustrator, Pat Achilles, has been invited to the First International Children's Book Festival in Dubai February 2010. She is so excited to go and to be able to demonstrate her amazing artistic ability and showcase her work and our book!

Blogging for Philly Moms Blog (which has been such a wonderful opportunity to connect with some amazing Moms) has also been keeping me busy. Although I only write two posts a month- finding just the right thing to write takes a lot of time.

Then....there's Twitter, my new love and hobby! If you aren't on Twitter, it's hard to explain exactly what it is about it. It's the social Marketing/Networking Mecca. I also find it a lot easier/quicker to use than Facebook and you don't get sucked in looking at your elementary school friend's pictures (which I love doing), joining a million groups and answering silly surveys such as, "If you were a Crayon, which color would you be?" Or "Tell me 3 things about...." Yes-with my ADD, Facebook can be very distracting!

So I am off for now, but will leave you with some treasures from my kids these past few months!
  • Every morning my son eats Raisin Bran and no matter how many times I correct him....he continues to call it "Raisin Brown." After all, it is Brown. I think I need to market him for a funny commercial for Kellogs!
  • My son has told me loudly in a Public Restroom, "Mommy, your butt is too big for the potty!" Shhhh........
  • My daughter is now riding on two wheels (yes, no more trainers), can swing "all by herself" on the swing "No pushing Mommy" and she can also keep her head above water & swim half way to the middle of the pool!
  • My kids favorite new joke: "What kind of music to bunnies listen to?" Give up?? "Hip-Hop!"

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Philly Moms Blog Party

I wanted to first of all thank my friend Mary Fran Bontempo for driving to our Philly Moms Blog Launch Party in last week in the rain.   I admit that I am not the same social girl when I am pregnant (let alone 8 months pregnant) and don't know if I would have made it without her.  I think I would be completely content to just hibernate in my house for the entire nine months.   It was really so wonderful to meet in person all of the online voices :)  

Also a HUGE thank you to Shannon and Anna Maria from PBS Kids Sprout for offering their wonderful space for the event!!

And for all the SWAG!


8” Omelette Pan-

Goody Stuff

Therapy Brush-Dandruff

Therapy Brush-Shine

Ouchless Purse Brush

StayPut Hair Elastics

Sharpie Markers and Bag (their new community site- very cool!)


And for those of you lucky enough to be winners:

Calphalon One Cookware:

4 pack of tickets from the Please Touch Museum:

Suite Slumbers||1&subCatID=11:10480||1

Thank you Sarah for taking great footage of the event!

Monday, June 15, 2009

Philly Moms Blog: Philadelphia Freedom- Letting Go Of The "Stuff"

Philadelphia Freedom- Letting Go Of The "Stuff"
My latest Philly Moms Blog Post.....

Last week I decorated baby number three's nursery, which was a guest room full of "stuff." You know that stuff that you just hold on to either because you think you may use it again or because of the memories the stuff represents. After moving much of the stuff out to the garage where it joined forces with our other stuff, I felt completely overwhelmed by it all! I decided it was time to purge. I knew I had to be my own episode of Clean Sweep!

I also knew this stuff could earn us some money, something everyone can use with the current state of the economy. I thought about a yard sale, but the idea of lugging all of the stuff outside, setting it up and price tagging it all exhausted me (especially being 8 months pregnant). And if it didn't sell? Then what, lug it all back in? Yikes!

In the past, I have listed items on E-bay, but it has been a while. Then I thought, "how would I ever ship a big double stroller or heavy box of extra kitchen tiles?" Of course I had heard of Craigslist, but to be honest was a little frightened to use it because of some of the recent news stories. Did I really want to risk that weirdos would knock on my front door just to make a few extra dollars? Oh, what are the chances... READ THE REST OF THIS POST ON PHILLY MOMS BLOG-CLICK HERE

Where does all of our "stuff" go when we just throw it in the trash???
Click Here- Check Out This Video!

Saturday, May 23, 2009

3D Ultrasound

On Thursday, we ventured to a 3D ultra-sound place called Baby's First Peek in Chalfont, PA.  We elected to have an additional elective ultrasound because my kids were sick when I went for my 20 week ultra-sound at the hospital so I had to go it alone while my husband stayed home with the kids.  And since this is our 3rd and last baby we figured...why not!  This really isn't a good time for us to be spending money frivolously with all that is going on with my job right now, but of course we were able to rationalize spending the money.  It cost us $175.00 which we figured we could spend at Target in about an hour.   We were there for one hour and got 6 printed pictures, 76 pictures on a CD, a DVD of the baby's activity while we were there and two balloons for the kids.  It was nice to be able to bring the kids with us and there was a toy room that kept them very busy after they were bored with their 30 second peek at the baby in Mommy's belly.  

On the way there I told my kids we were going to look at your baby sister in Mommy's belly with a special tool.  My son says, "Are they going to use a hammer or a screwdriver?"  Thank goodness that wasn't the case!

It was neat to see our little baby girl put her foot in her eye socket, suck on her umbilical cord and do lots of wiggling!  It was also great to experience seeing the baby with my husband.  We found out that our baby was a girl at the 20 week ultrasound, but didn't get the best view of her "privates" so it was very reassuring to see that baby #3  is confirmed for sure a girl!  We also loved seeing her chubby cheeks and little lips-just a couple more months to go and we'll get to meet her in person!  

Thursday, April 30, 2009

Today I got a Thank You Letter from the Speaker of the House- Nancy Pelosi.

What a nice surprise I got in the mail today from Washington D.C., a letter from Nancy Pelosi, Speaker of the House thanking me for the copy of my book I sent her.  I'm thrilled you loved the book and thank you for being such a strong role model for not only other working mothers, but also for so many young girls in this country!   

She writes:  
"Many thanks for a copy of your book, Mommy's High Heel Shoes.  What a wonderfully fun story illustrating the many different roles that working mothers fulfill. 

Best wishes for continued health and happiness surrounded by friends and family for many years to come."  

best regards, 

Nancy Pelosi
Speaker of the House

(Click on the letter below to see it larger)

Finally- something Republicans and Democrats can agree on!  
They like my book: Mommy's High Heel Shoes!

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

As a working mom, do you have this problem? I do!

A writer and virtual friend, Jodi, from DC Metro Moms Blog recently told me she is writing an article about a working mom and wanted to know if she could use some artwork from my book. Of course, I said yes!

I just read her post: When you are the Only Mom who has a Job on the DC Metro Moms Blog and it turns out that I have had the same issue at my daughter's pre-school. Being one of the only working moms was more of a problem last year than this year though. The school always seems to plan events like field trips or the mother's day lunch at the last minute and then I have to scramble and have to re-arrange my entire schedule or miss it (Boo!).

This year, I asked the Director at the beginning of the year to let me know ahead of time when the events are because I love them so much and hate to dissapoint my daughter by not being there. I feel lucky because the Director (Thank you Joan!) even checked with me to check my schedule before arranging the pumpkin patch trip. I do find that I have to be very pro-active and positive in communicating my needs as a working mom though- which does add more to my to do list. I forgot to check in about this year's Mother's Day event, but luckily didn't have to re-arrange too much! Playdates with friends from school are another story....

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Todays Moms Book Launch and Diaper Drive Event NYC

What a fun day I had yesterday in NYC with one of my best friends, Michelle, at the Todays Moms Book Launch Party! We got up early (5:00 am) and took the 7:20 train from Hamilton, NJ to the city to attend the Todays Moms book launch party and diaper drive to benefit

I was thrilled to give autographed copies of Mommy's High Heel Shoes to Sarah Ferguson (Yes the-Duchess of York!), Natalie Morales (Today Show Anchor),
Mary Ann Zoellner & Alicia Ybarbo (Authors of Todays Moms and producer for the Today Show). It really was a great event and wonderful to meet so many other beautiful & interesting Mommies!

ps. No-it's not just the camera that makes you look 10 pounds heavier. I have already gained 20 pounds! Baby #3 is due August 5th!

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Dr. Laura- Don't Feel Sorry for Working Moms!

Check out Meredith's interview with Dr. Laura on the Today Show! Tell me what you think.

Thank you Meredith for sticking up for the working moms out there....especially all of those Moms who have to work in this "economy." While some moms choose to work, not all women have options about working. Dr. Laura, instead of feeling sorry for us when we feel guilty about the things we are missing while we are at work- maybe help us focus on the things we don't miss and what we are contributing to our families!

If we focus on the times we do have instead of what we don't have- we'll feel good!
You talk about stay home moms and how they don't get the support they need, what about the support working moms need? Enough of the Mommy Wars already....can't we just all support eachother as Moms and the decisions that we make for our families?

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Maddie Alice, Her Mother's Greatest Joy

4/8/09 As many of you know, I have been blogging for Philly Moms Blog for the past few months. Through this SVMOMS blogging community, I have been blessed to meet so many wonderful Moms and have been touched, enlightened and inspired by so many of their stories. Most of my new friends I have only met virtually, while others I have had the chance to meet in person through different events.

Last night, while my kids were snuggled soundly in bed, I got in my own bed and settled in with American Idol on TV and my laptop beside me. I logged on to twitter and started reading all of the updates. Mamasphor's updates about her little girl Madeline Alice caught my eye. Maddie Alice was in the hospital and very sick. My heart sunk with just the thought of what mamaspohr (Heather Spohr) was going through. Her last tweet was "They're going to intubate her, I'm freaking out!" I then went to her website to read about this little girl's story. Before I went to bed, I said a prayer for little Maddie Alice and her family.

This morning when I logged on to twitter, tears fell from my eyes. Other Moms were sending condolences to mamaspohr. Maddie Alice didn't make it through the night. Below is Youtube clip that was posted a while back of Maddie Alice- giggling. The family is asking that donations be made to the March of Dimes in memory of her daughter Madeline Alice Spohr in lieu of flowers. I have no words when things like this happen...I am so sorry for your loss.

Monday, April 6, 2009

Why is your Mom so special? Giveaway contest!

April 6th, 2009
With Mother's Day on the horizon, Sunday- May 10th, we are having a giveaway contest for a High Heel Shoe Cake Server! Leave us a comment telling us why your Mom is so special to you. The winner will win a high heel shoes cakes server! Winner will be announced on May 1st!

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Coupon Code

Use the Coupon Code: Cupcake and get 10% off Mommy's High Heel Shoes Book and your total order on our site:

.50 cents from every book purchased here goes help working mothers through  

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Sour Cream Chocolate Chip Cake

A cake recipe even the busiest working mom can make!

If you think you don't have time to bake a cake, try my Mom's Chocolate Chip Cake recipe! It's delicious and easy and quick to make. So many of my friend's have asked for the recipe so I thought I would post it here to share with everyone! Enjoy!!

Sour Cream Chocolate Chip Cake

1/2 c Butter (1 stick)
1 c Sugar
2 Eggs
1 c +2T sour cream
2 c Flour
1 t Salt
1 t Baking powder
1 t Baking soda
1 t Vanilla
12 oz Pkg semi sweet choc chips
1/4 c Cinnamon sugar

Grease Pan.  Cream the butter and sugar. Add the eggs, one at a time. Add the sour cream and vanilla. Beat until well blended. Blend together the dry ingredients. Add them to the creamed mixture. Mix well. Spoon about 1/2 the batter into a greased 9 x 13 rectangle cake pan. Sprinkle batter with a third of the Choc. Chips. Spoon the rest of the batter over the Choc. Chips. Sprinkle with remaining Choc. Chips and Cinnamon sugar. Bake at 350 for 30-35 minutes or until cake tester comes out clean. Yum!

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Did I mention our house is haunted?

Now we don't know if our house is really haunted, but I am up right now at 4:30 am and hear something that sounds like my kids shaking their piggy bank. Or maybe like a mouse in a jar of jellybeans or peanuts? Could that be what it really is? We don't have jellybeans, but we do have peanuts. Hmmm....should I check? Scary....

I remember I lived in Jamaica Plain, MA years ago right outside of Boston for grad school with my roommate Michelle. We were in this adorable little brownstone. We were of course connected to several other tenants, one of which called the landlord and reported that she had cockroaches!! YUCK! So the landlord called us and asked us to check to see if we had them. He told us to wait until it is dark, get a flash light, go into the kitchen and flash the light under the kitchen sink. I'll never forget it....we were scared to death! Gripping on to eachother, we slowly made our move into the kitchen and squabbled over who should open the cabinet. To be honest I don't even remember if we had them, but we screamed when we opened the cabinet with just the thought of giant bugs crawling under our sink.

Since we moved into this house about 2 years ago, we hear all kinds of unexplainable creaks, squeaks and bumps. My husband and I joke that we have a ghost in our house. I tell him that it's a friendly one. So this morning I am up for no other reason than I am pregnant. Yes, only 16 weeks, but already have insomnia. So I'm sitting here on the couch checking e-mail and figuring out my day, which starts in about 2 hours, and I hear a rattling noise in our kitchen. Now I'm convinced there has to be something going on in my kitchen. I put my computer down and quick throw on the lights thinking that I will find something to explain the strange noise and of course-NOTHING. But the wierd thing is now there is no more noise. Did I frighten our ghost away? Wait...I hear it again. Maybe I should just leave the light on in there or put the tv on so I won't hear it.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Philly Moms Blog Post: Slum Dog

Here is my latest Philly Moms Blog Post! Let me know if you've seen Slum Dog Millionaire and what you thought. If you haven't seen it- Read My Warning!

I'm up again tonight at 1:00 typing away here. I fell asleep in my son's bed around 8:00 until about 11:00 so am now paying for my catnap. I finally got to bed again about an hour ago and then he was up coughing with a super stuffy nose. My daughter of course heard him up and is now in my bed. The little cutie pie has been sick since Friday so I couldn't turn her away. I said, "Katie, what can Mommy get for you?" She said, "A snuggle." I mean how do you say no to that!

And my husband is on a painting mission in our downstairs hallway. Did I tell you that our entire house was painted different shades of brown when we moved in two years ago. Yes, baby poo brown, puke brown, dingy brown, tan brown, light brown, mud brown.....You get it- sort of like Forest Gump's shrimp friend! They didn't even choose a nice chocolate brown. The hallway and dining room are the last remaining brown rooms- not for long!

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Why am I still up?

Why am I still up?  Could it be because I was craving a vanilla milkshake and instead searched the cabinets and fridge for nothing that would meet my needs.  Then, decided to try to eat a meatball sandwich (YUCK) which luckily a few bites into it I had to put down.  I do know that when I do go up to bed that I will be up every couple of hours to use the bathroom.  

I am only 15 weeks pregnant (with #3), but the frequent trips to the potty have been torturing me since the first couple of weeks.  In addition, my skin is breaking out.  And yes, I am gaining weight at a rapid speed.  BUT- I can't wait to just stare at our new baby in August and smell it's little head.  So all of this stuff I am briefly complaining about is really not a big deal. Ahhh.... I feel better-off to bed!  

Mommy's High Heel Shoes Goes Digital!

A sneak preview of the digital version of Mommy's High Heel Shoes.  It really gives my book a whole new dimension!

Now you can download Mommy's High Heel Shoes for your ipod touch, iphone or computer! Your child can read along with the book or watch when you are in the car or out and about. Now screen time can be reading time too!

Here is a 25% off code MHHS.  Just type the code in at the Mobistories checkout! 

Leave me a comment and tell me what you think!

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

The call I've been waiting for!

For months, we have been trying to potty train my son.  He's got the pee pee on the potty thing down.  He even stands up like a big boy and uses his "shooter" to make bubbles in the water.  However, we have been struggling with how to get him to poop on the potty.  He usually waits until he has a pull up on either early in the morning or right before bed.  He sneaks off and hides in the closet or behind the sofa and says, "Mommy go away!  Don't smell my poop!"  I've tried to bribe him with chocolate, candy, marshmellows (his fav) and so many other things.  So for the past few days, I have been saying, "Mommy will bring you home a surprise from work when you poop on the potty.  I'll bring you a big orange balloon!"  (his favorite color of course!)

Today, I got the best call on my cell phone.  "Mommy, I go poop on the potty!" Of course, I was thrilled, "Good Boy- you are such a big boy- I'm so proud of you!"  

So here is a funny story.  I stop at the dollar store on my way home and pick out an orange balloon and a green one (so my daughter of course has one to play with).  The dollar store guy was trying to upsell me some balloons.  He says, "what's the special occasion?  We have lots of fun balloons- take a look!"  I tell him, "My son pooped on the potty!"  His face was priceless.   I said, "what do you mean- you don't have Happy Poop on the Potty Balloons?"  He did find me a potty book for boys though from the back of the store.  I had to buy it.  Even though the book was $2.0o at the dollar store??

Friday, January 23, 2009

Mommy's High Heel Shoes are on TV


I had my first television appearance yesterday with Eve Tannery- Channel 69 Allentown/Phildelphia. The whole experience was really a blast! I meticulously picked out the coolest shoes to wear for the interview and of course my feet were hidden behind a coffee table- just my luck :) I'll have to post a picture of my tv shoes soon. It was fun chatting with Eve about my children's book: Mommy's High Heel Shoes and my personal experiences as a working mother. Thanks for having me on- Eve :)

Here are the links to the show!! Let me know what you think!

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Mobistories Version of Mommy's High Heel Shoes is launched!!

Great News! The digital version of Mommy's High Heel Shoes is available. Mobistories gives Mommy's High Heel Shoes a whole new dimension. You can download it straight from the site for your iphone, ipod touch or computer. It's so much fun- now your child can follow right along with the animated version of the book. It will also be available on DVD to play from anywhere- car, tv or computer! The music was done by a Hollywood composer named Stephen Endelman- very cool! I did the voiceover for Mommy, which was so fun. And a little girl named Juliann is an adorable Cakes!

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

It's a Wonderful LIfe!

So just when I thought I had it all figured out- you know how to balance my time with the kids, husband, work, book & life- we got some news! Some wonderful news, actually. Yes, I am pregnant with our third :) My husband and I went out on a much needed date night early in December. We were going to go see It's a Wonderful Life up at a little theater in Stockton, NJ. But at the last minute changed our minds and decided to eat local and finish up some Christmas shopping. At dinner I told my husband that I have been "feeling pregnant", but it's probably all in my head. I told him that I was just peeeing all of the time and that I woke up all sweaty one night. I thought maybe I was just drinking too much coffee and not getting enough sleep. Things were just so busy there for a while with the launch of Mommy's High Heel Shoes....among so many other things.

So after a yummy relaxing hot dinner that I actually got to eat slowly AND a few stops at different shops in town, we made our last stop of the evening. It was to CVS....for stocking stuffers and of course a 3 pack of preganancy testers. I threw the test sticks in the basket thinking I'll just get the 3 pack since I'm not really pregnant....good to have extra sticks around if I get another false alarm in the future (or as it turned out- in case I need to pee on a second one to confirm the first one was right.)

When we got home, my Mom was watching TV (Thanks Mom for babysitting). She asked us, "How was the play?" We told her how we ended up just staying in town after all. She said, "Oh, well! It's a Wonderful Life is on Right now so you can just watch it on TV....Look!" And just as I looked up at the TV I heard the little child say, "everytime a bell rings an angel gets it's wings!" Yes, I knew I was pregnant right then without peeing on the stick! Of course, I did after my Mom left. Some things are just meant to be :) That night, I knew It's a Wonderful Life!

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Thank you Metropolotan Mama!

Thank you Metropolotan Mama!

Stephanie from Metropolan Mam says, "The story is about a little girl, who tries on all of her mommy’s shoes after her mom leaves for work. She wonders why mommy has so many shoes and what she does at work. The illustrations (by Pat Achilles) are modern, fun, and fresh. The non-rhyming text is straightforward. The message is clear: mommy loves her work, but she loves being a mommy most of all."

Monday, January 12, 2009

Philly Moms Blog


I have been so busy with work after the long holiday that I have hardly had a second to write anything new.  

"I have to admit I have been quite the slacker over the past few weeks.  But isn't that what holidays are for?  I had much needed time off for two whole weeks over the Christmas/New Year holiday.   After a hectic Christmas Eve and Christmas day running around, I did absolutely nothing.  We all had colds and sort of hibernated in the house with our boogies and coughs. 

In fact, I think I went a few days without showering and I am certain that I spent several days in my jammies ALL day.  One day, I even got up, showered and put my pjs right back on.  Because I'm a type A crazy girl most of the time, I'm now feeling a little guilty for simply being so dormant and lethargic.  What about organizing my office for the New Year?  What about the laundry overflowing in the hamper?  And did I mention that our dead Christmas tree is still up with all of the decorations on it?  Talk about guilt...

I had to go back to work on Monday and reality has kicked back in. I went from having too much time to do nothing to no time to do way to much. I really don't know when I will be able to get the Christmas boxes from the basement, wrap all of those ornaments up in tissue paper, clean up pine needles, take down the stockings, and haul the whole ordeal back down to the basement. Has anyone seen that new book: Porn for Women

Let's add a page...Sentimental husband smiling while gently taking the ornaments off the tree and wrapping them in acid free tissue paper. His favorite football team is on the flat screen in the background, but he's not paying any attention to the game. He then puts the perfectly wrapped trimmings into the box in their proper individual spots, hauls the Christmas tree to the woods and vacuums the entire downstairs without me asking. He then says, "Honey, I'll make you a fire right after I put all of this Christmas stuff in the basement" Just thinking about it makes me....

So if you drive by my house and see our dead Christmas tree in our front window, just call me lazy. At least you’ll know there's no porn in my house.

This is an original post to Philly Moms Blog.  Kristie is also the author of the children's book:Mommy's High Heel Shoes, has a personal blog, where she writes about her busy life as a working mom and author, and writes product reviews for Real Mommy Reviews.  Illustration © Pat Achilles."


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Mommy's High Heel Shoes-Reading Time Gone Mobile!

Now you can download Mommy's High Heel Shoes for your ipod touch, iphone or computer right from the iTunes App store and for a limited time just .99 cents! Your child can read along with the book or watch when you are in the car or out and about. Now screen time can be reading time too! Here is a 25% off code: MHHS. Just type the code in at the checkout!