Friday, October 30, 2009

(From Philly Moms Blog) Happy Halloween! The Swine Flu is Lurking at Our Pre-school!

Here is my latest Philly Moms Blog Post....

I can't even believe I'm writing about the swine flu again! I wish I were a sports fan so I could intelligently write about the Phillies and the Yankees playing in the World Series.

But In the midst of filling up 16 pumpkin treat bags for my son's class and baking 18 spooky cupcakes for my daughter's Halloween party, my daughter brought me "the note." Yes, it came home with her latest glittery Halloween paper craft- the DREADED "swine flu" letter from the pre-school director.

I guess I knew it was coming. This virus has been spreading all over Bucks County the Philadelphia area. And now there has been 1 confirmed case of H1N1 virus at my kids' pre-school and several other kids are out sick with "flu-like" symptoms. The note says,"the absentee rate is not alarmingly high at this point. We will keep you informed."
Then, the phone rings....

Are you vaccinating your kids for Swine Flu?  Leave a comment and let me know.  
We're still deciding...

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Working Moms: What Did You Do Before Work Today?

Just curious to see what you all did before work today- wake up time for me 6:00 a.m. I somehow changed a poopy diaper, drank my coffee, packed up two book orders, found matching socks and got the kids dressed, nursed the baby, changed another poopy diaper, made breakfast for the big kids, packed lunches for a class trip to the zoo with Daddy, folded a load of laundry, checked my e-mail, french braided my daughter's hair (because I promised her yesterday when I didn't have time) and now getting up this overdo blog post. No wonder I haven't posted anything in so long!

Tell me what time you got up and what you did today. I'm always so curious what other people are up to before leaving for work. Thank goodness I'm having a home office shower necessary...Shhh!! I'm still in my pajamas studying Oncology information for my new job!

Disclosure Statement: My pjs aren't nearly as cute as the Mommy in this picture and our waffles were frozen Eggos!

Art copyright Pat Achilles- not to be used for any reason without written permission.


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