Monday, November 30, 2009

A Cutie in Mommy's High Heel Shoes

Every now and then I come across some cute videos on Youtube. Check out this cutie!

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Santa's Sleigh is Full of Mommy's High Heel Shoes


This morning, as I was packing up a book order for my daughter says, "Mommy, what are you doing with all of those books?"

I replied, "Mailing them so other kids can have one for Christmas?"

She asked, "Are you mailing one to Katelyn?"

I said, "No, Katelyn already has one."

She then asked, "Mom, are you mailing them to Santa?"

I said, "Hmmm...that's a great idea.  I will mail them all to Santa at the North Pole!"

She smiled and said, "And then he can give Mommy's High Heel Shoes to lots of kids in his sleigh!"

So sweet...I just couldn't resist sharing!


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Mommy's High Heel Shoes-Reading Time Gone Mobile!

Now you can download Mommy's High Heel Shoes for your ipod touch, iphone or computer right from the iTunes App store and for a limited time just .99 cents! Your child can read along with the book or watch when you are in the car or out and about. Now screen time can be reading time too! Here is a 25% off code: MHHS. Just type the code in at the checkout!