Sunday, August 2, 2009

Fessing up to being a mom can backfire on job seekers - The Boston Globe


Due to the recent status of my job, naturally this article was of great interest to me. What do you think? Do you think letting employers know that you're a working mother helps or hurts your opportunities for landing a new job? Do you think that your employer hasn't given you opportunities that they may have otherwise if they didn't give you a "Mommy" label?

I'm not sure how I feel about it all at the moment. On a recent interview (interviewed while on maternity leave at 36 weeks pregnant) there was no hiding that I was at least a mother to be. During a discussion regarding my performance with the company, it came up that one year (out of 6), I did not receive the sales achievement award. I mentioned that I was on an extended maternity leave that particular year (and I'm talking only taking an extra 6 weeks unpaid). I continued that sales numbers qualified me for the achievement award, but I did not receive it because being on unpaid leave disqualified me. I discussed the things I did while out on leave (which were all NOT required) to keep in touch with my customers (i.e. sending out mailers, keeping in touch with my biggest customers and continuing to answer all of my own phone calls) to maintain my great numbers. In my eyes, this demonstrated my strong work ethic & dedication to my position. Who cares if I got the "official" award?

When I mentioned maternity leave, one of the managers asked, "Oh, how many kids do you have?" I answered open and honestly, "Two, this will be my third." And that was pretty much the end of that conversation. Literally, my life is an open book. I don't think I would try to hide the fact that I am a mother on an interview, even if I wasn't interviewing with an enormous belly. But the fact is- I had it all out in the open (literally).

How would you answer the question, "What is your proudest accomplishment?" I wasn't asked this question on this particular interview, but have been asked this in the past. Would you talk about an award you won or promotion you got? Maybe a competitive sport you excelled at? Or would you be honest and say, "My kids!"

My kids are my proudest accomplishment, but would that be the "right" answer? They are the reason I work hard and the reason I continue to be successful. And if a man was asked that question and answered, "My kids!" would he be judged or would that make him an even stronger candidate for the position? I can truly say that because of my children, I get more done, work harder and can balance more. Have you ever heard the phrase: "If you want to get something done, ask the busiest person in the room."?

Tell me what you think! Read this story....
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Saturday, August 1, 2009

Role Mommy Event for Budding Authors


On July 29th, I was happy to participate in a Role Mommy University Event. Role Mommy had a conference call for authors about how to write, publish or self-publish, build a platform and sell your book or manuscript.

Author and Self Publisher, Stacey Kannenberg, of Let's Get Ready for Kindergarten who has sold more than 70,000 copies gives some awesome advice on her success! Take a listen to her recent interview with Role Mommy and get to know her!


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Mommy's High Heel Shoes-Reading Time Gone Mobile!

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