Tuesday, January 20, 2009

It's a Wonderful LIfe!

So just when I thought I had it all figured out- you know how to balance my time with the kids, husband, work, book & life- we got some news! Some wonderful news, actually. Yes, I am pregnant with our third :) My husband and I went out on a much needed date night early in December. We were going to go see It's a Wonderful Life up at a little theater in Stockton, NJ. But at the last minute changed our minds and decided to eat local and finish up some Christmas shopping. At dinner I told my husband that I have been "feeling pregnant", but it's probably all in my head. I told him that I was just peeeing all of the time and that I woke up all sweaty one night. I thought maybe I was just drinking too much coffee and not getting enough sleep. Things were just so busy there for a while with the launch of Mommy's High Heel Shoes....among so many other things.

So after a yummy relaxing hot dinner that I actually got to eat slowly AND a few stops at different shops in town, we made our last stop of the evening. It was to CVS....for stocking stuffers and of course a 3 pack of preganancy testers. I threw the test sticks in the basket thinking I'll just get the 3 pack since I'm not really pregnant....good to have extra sticks around if I get another false alarm in the future (or as it turned out- in case I need to pee on a second one to confirm the first one was right.)

When we got home, my Mom was watching TV (Thanks Mom for babysitting). She asked us, "How was the play?" We told her how we ended up just staying in town after all. She said, "Oh, well! It's a Wonderful Life is on Right now so you can just watch it on TV....Look!" And just as I looked up at the TV I heard the little child say, "everytime a bell rings an angel gets it's wings!" Yes, I knew I was pregnant right then without peeing on the stick! Of course, I did after my Mom left. Some things are just meant to be :) That night, I knew It's a Wonderful Life!



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Mommy's High Heel Shoes-Reading Time Gone Mobile!

Now you can download Mommy's High Heel Shoes for your ipod touch, iphone or computer right from the iTunes App store and for a limited time just .99 cents! Your child can read along with the book or watch when you are in the car or out and about. Now screen time can be reading time too! Here is a 25% off code: MHHS. Just type the code in at the Mobistories.com checkout!